Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Caution! Technology Can Be Hazardous to Your Health


 We live in a society that exalts youth and youthful appearances. This, coupled with the advances in the development of technology and the marketing of cosmetic surgery, has proven to be injurious to many and the demise of some. These results have led to many questioning the practices of certain technical procedures, such as facial laser surgery. I thought everyone might be interested in seeing this video and reviewing the pictures of the woman below, before and after her facial laser surgery.

These are Angela's pictures:

Angela, the day before her treatment:

Angela, before her treatment that was done later that day:

Angela, one year after her procedure:

Angela twenty months after procedure:

Angela two years after her procedure:

Angela was brave to post these pictures, it was not easy. She told her story to warn others and hopefully save them from the fate that befell her.

Angela passed away last October after spending nearly two years hidden away from the world because of the depression and her self-perceived disfigurement from the Fraxel treatment.

1 comment:

Mr. H said...


Thanks for posting this. I agree that the media puts way too much pressure on young ladies especially, by creating impossibly perfect airbrushed models. It is definitely something worth discussing.