Friday, January 21, 2011

Don't tell my daughter! Or at least blame Ben... Its his fault.

Hi everyone,

You can't let my daughter Ellie know about this blog. Or, at least blame it on Ben. You see, he sent me a great image that I thought the rest of you would like. So, this being a snow day... and snow days being a dangerous thing for a professor stuck on a hilltop surrounded by daughters, chickens, and swirling snowflakes, I had time to think about the best way to share Ben's image with the rest of you. Which led me to create this blog. First of all, here is the image:

Secondly, I am going to give Ben an extra credit point for finding this image and sharing it with the group.

I am also going to leave this blog wide open for each of you to edit, so you can submit photos, illustrations, articles, videos, etc., dealing with subject matter related to the class. You will get 1 point for each item you upload to this blog. Hopefully we will have a nice collection of cool things by the end of the semester. I'll tally each of your entries and credit you with your points before I submit your final grades.

How about if everyone takes a few minutes before the next class to upload at least one thing.

Now, get off of your computer and go outside! Its a winter wonderland out there!

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