Monday, January 31, 2011

At the Berkeley Free Speech Cafe

Dr. Staffel sent me this poem to share with the group. It is a good one.

At the Berkeley Free Speech Cafe
by Thomas Moore

The students are seated,
one to a table,
at tables for two,
ears wired,
laptops humming,
cell phones buzzing,
fingers texting,
iPods thumping,
toes drumming,
email flashing,
lattés cooling,
textbooks open,
reading for an exam
in Issues in Contemporary Culture 102.


Zago123 said...

I really enjoyed this poem. It is so true and goes right along with what we all have been reading in “The Shallows.” It is amazing how people today, including me, are becoming so programmed to have their attention divided among several forms of stimuli at one time. Carr drew my attention to the fact that I often sit in front of three screens at once! I constantly sit with my computer on my lap, while I’m watching TV and periodically checking my phone! How can I really be concentrating on anything?!

Niki Baker said...

I agree with the comment above! I am the exact same way! And this poem made me laugh, but it's is really true!