Monday, January 31, 2011

At the Berkeley Free Speech Cafe

Dr. Staffel sent me this poem to share with the group. It is a good one.

At the Berkeley Free Speech Cafe
by Thomas Moore

The students are seated,
one to a table,
at tables for two,
ears wired,
laptops humming,
cell phones buzzing,
fingers texting,
iPods thumping,
toes drumming,
email flashing,
lattés cooling,
textbooks open,
reading for an exam
in Issues in Contemporary Culture 102.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Caution! Technology Can Be Hazardous to Your Health


 We live in a society that exalts youth and youthful appearances. This, coupled with the advances in the development of technology and the marketing of cosmetic surgery, has proven to be injurious to many and the demise of some. These results have led to many questioning the practices of certain technical procedures, such as facial laser surgery. I thought everyone might be interested in seeing this video and reviewing the pictures of the woman below, before and after her facial laser surgery.

These are Angela's pictures:

Angela, the day before her treatment:

Angela, before her treatment that was done later that day:

Angela, one year after her procedure:

Angela twenty months after procedure:

Angela two years after her procedure:

Angela was brave to post these pictures, it was not easy. She told her story to warn others and hopefully save them from the fate that befell her.

Angela passed away last October after spending nearly two years hidden away from the world because of the depression and her self-perceived disfigurement from the Fraxel treatment.

Monday, January 24, 2011

New Windows Phone Commercial

Some of you may have seen parts of this on TV already, but there are lots more funny scenes in this clip. I was accused of this being made after my life, and it's true, I've done some of these things!

Your Blackberry or Your Wife?

A friend posted this article on Facebook a couple nights ago and I was going to share it with the class anyway! I thought it was very interesting.

Facebook is Becoming the Internet

I found this and was amazed at some of the statistics, though some don't surprise me at all.

Here is the link since it's kind of hard to read some of it...


Just an image I stumbled upon today. Makes you rethink what our priorities may come to at some point.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A challenge of sorts. Just relax and listen, do not touch your mouse or keyboard and enjoy the sounds for just 2 minutes.

Also felt like this is far too accurate.

I saw these and they reminded me of Ben's original image and I thought they were interesting art pieces.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

This little comic strip is so true to my life it's upsetting! I just hope I'm not the only one on here like this!

Friday, January 21, 2011

A great trailer for a great movie - King Corn!

Take a look at this fun 3 minute trailer:

Another point for me!

Interesting article

Here is an interesting article about a family that unplugged for 6 months."

Hey... does this mean I get an extra credit point? Well, I guess it does!

Ohhh... the irony.....

Yes, I realize how terribly ironic it is for me to create a blog about unplugging from digital devices as the result of viewing an image about reading books instead of blogs, sent by a student who is attending a class about unplugging from digital devices. It doesn't make any sense and I can't explain it.

By the way... feel free to add your own writings, photos, drawings, etc. I'll give you a point for each entry.

Don't tell my daughter! Or at least blame Ben... Its his fault.

Hi everyone,

You can't let my daughter Ellie know about this blog. Or, at least blame it on Ben. You see, he sent me a great image that I thought the rest of you would like. So, this being a snow day... and snow days being a dangerous thing for a professor stuck on a hilltop surrounded by daughters, chickens, and swirling snowflakes, I had time to think about the best way to share Ben's image with the rest of you. Which led me to create this blog. First of all, here is the image:

Secondly, I am going to give Ben an extra credit point for finding this image and sharing it with the group.

I am also going to leave this blog wide open for each of you to edit, so you can submit photos, illustrations, articles, videos, etc., dealing with subject matter related to the class. You will get 1 point for each item you upload to this blog. Hopefully we will have a nice collection of cool things by the end of the semester. I'll tally each of your entries and credit you with your points before I submit your final grades.

How about if everyone takes a few minutes before the next class to upload at least one thing.

Now, get off of your computer and go outside! Its a winter wonderland out there!